Where Are They Now? – Katie Harris

We recently spoke with Kattie Harris, one of the Morton Golf Foundation’s Youth Development Grant recipients, about what she’s been up to since we last saw her.

How did the Youth Development Grant help your junior golf development?

The grant gave me a lot of opportunities to decide what I wanted to do after High School

Please let us know how you are doing.

I am now in my Junior year at Portland State on a golf scholarship. Due to COVID I will stay in school for the 5th year and work on my Masters and continue to play on the golf team. I am aiming at a double major in Economics & Political Science with a Minor in Business.

How have you used the tools from the game of golf in your everyday life?

Golf gave me confidence. I would not be the person I am today without golf in my life.

Are you or have you played golf on a college team? For which college team?

Yes. I play on the Women’s Golf Team at Portland State

Are you giving back to your community or looking forward to using your skills for making a difference with others in your future?

In Portland, OR I am teaching junior golf at a local club. I automatically teach First Tee’s 9 core values without thinking because that is how I live my life.

Thank you so much Katie for letting us know what you’ve been up to. We look forward to your continued success.

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