The principles of Morton Golf LLC, a golf facility management company, have been in the golf business for over 50 years. Over the last five decades, their interest in bringing the values and the recreational aspect of the game of golf to junior golfers and more recently to the disabled community and the under-served, has led them to create the Morton Golf Foundation. The Morton Golf Foundation was created for the purpose of working with other 501c3 organizations and individuals to promote better health, to provide educational scholarships, to bring the lifestyle of golf to the underprivileged and underserved and to teach life’s core values that emanate from the great game of golf. Those needs will generally be supported within the Sacramento Region.
The Morton Golf Foundation will derive revenues through grant opportunities, in-kind donations, volunteer support, legacies, special events and sponsorships from businesses, corporations and individuals.
Grant Application Procedures
Grants to other 501c3 organizations and/or to individuals must first fill out a standard application form, then be approved by the Morton Golf Foundation Board of Directors and finally provide the necessary documentation requested to account for how the funds were used. Applications will be reviewed at quarterly Board Meetings.