We are starting a new column here with our Morton Golf Foundation scholarship recipients. First up is Thomas Coppola. Let’s take a look at what he’s been up to:

How did the College Scholarship help you personally?
It helped me afford my textbooks for my first year of college.
Please let us know how you are doing.
I ended up graduating from the University of Idaho with a B.S in business and my full class A PGA status. I am now working in Roseville At GOLFTEC as a personal instructor
How have you used the tools from the game of golf in your everyday life?
Golf is a game of patience and using patience is key in the workforce for dealing with students and other guests.
Are you or have you played golf on a college team? For which college team? If not, are you continuing to play the game recreationally? Please share any special college golf or college experiences with us.
I continue to play golf on most days off. It’s a game that I enjoy playing for fun or competitively with most friends.
Are you giving back to your community or looking forward to using your skills for making a difference with others in your future?
I feel like I’m giving back as being a mentor to some of my younger students who are in high school playing, or getting ready to play, on their golf teams.
Thank you so much Thomas! We look forward to following your career wherever it may take you.