Fun Updates on Past MGF Junior STARS

Where are they now? We have an updated on a few of our past MGF Junior STARS!

Wheare are They Now Image Red Background with Pink writing

Nikki Chindavong: MGF Scholarship winner 2023, MGF Jr Grant winner 2017 to 2023 (7 years). Sophomore at UNR, currently working at Jr camps for

NCIG, continues to volunteer for MGF.

Darla Dela Torre: MGF Scholarship winner 2024, MGF Jr Grant winner 2016 to 2024 ( 9 years, started at 9 years old). Committed to Sac State for 2024, will play

on the golf team. Qualified for 2024 USGA Junior Girls Championship.

Jack Fidler: MGF Scholarship winner 2022, MGF Jr Grant winner 2019 to 2022 (4 years). Currently works for Morton Golf LLC, active MGF volunteer, loves to

act in community theater.

Richie Gibbs: MGF Jr Grant winner 2015 to 2020 (6 years). Currently works for Morton Golf LLC, working on his PGM degree, while teaching lessons, running Junior camps and completing his degree online. Continues to be a MGF volunteer.

Emily Guan: MGF Grant winner, 2022 and 2024 (2 years), Age, 16. Current 2024 Sacramento City Junior Girls Champion. Also, a competitive Junior Skier.

Ashley Knepshield: MGF Scholarship Winner 2020, MGF Jr Grant winner 2015-2020 (6 years), continues to be a MGF volunteer. Graduated from UCLA 2024. Seeking employment in the film industry.

Taylor Morton: MGF College Scholarship Winner in 2018, Age 24. Graduated with an Engineering Degree from UNR and immediately got an Engineering position with PING Golf in Scottsdale, AZ. He has been the Lead Engineer on Blueprint S irons, Blueprint T irons & GLE3 Women’s hybrid clubs.

Emily Zedek: MGF Scholarship winner 2022, MGF Jr grant winner 2021-2022 (2 years), Currently attending UNR, plays golf at club level, Works summers at Morton Golf LLC running junior camps.

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